Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bald Chick Clothing Line

For those of you who don't know, Talia Joy Castellano died on July 16, 2013 at 11:22am PST. Talia Joy was a brave 13 year old girl with neuroblastoma, a very aggressive cancer that creates tumors in nerve tissues. Talia had been fighting this cancer for over 6 years. About one year ago, she developed pre-leukemia, and she was running out of options to treat both cancers. She was then given 4-12 months to live. But, throughout all the years, she remained positive. From Pixar's Finding Nemo, she held this quote in her heart-- "just keep swimming".

When she was first diagnosed with cancer and became bald,
she didn't want to wear a wig. She wanted to wear makeup. Her very famous line came about-- "makeup is my wig". She started a YouTube channel and was an aspiring makeup artist. (Here is a link to her YouTube: ) She dreamed of having a makeup line and clothing line, but died too soon. Her sister Mattia Castellano, has made it her mission to fulfill Talia's dreams and keep her legacy alive.

And that's where her clothing line comes into play. Before her tragic death, she started a clothing line with a designer named Urbana, and named her clothing line That Bald Chick. (Here is a link to the website: ) Mattia is trying to finish the collection and sell it at retailers such as Target or JCPenney.
***EDIT: The line was renamed to "Bald Chick Collection". Talia's family is no longer affiliated with "That Bald Chick".

Links to:
Her Facebook Page:
Her Website:
Her Appearance on the Ellen Show!:

Rest in peace Talia. You were an angel on Earth as you are now in Heaven. I never got to meet you, but hope to someday in Heaven! Please pray for her close family and friends in this hard time after her death.

Disclaimer: Not a sponsored post in any way, shape, or form.

xoxo Kelsey

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