Middle school is an interesting time in people's lives. Girls will be girls and boys will be boys. Girls can be mean, and boys can be straight-up immature. Drama is everywhere. Anyone and everyone will start rumors for attention and do the stupidest of things. Here is how to survive middle school:
For those of y'all going into middle school, don't be nervous. It's not that bad. I got super nervous that I would get lost or not know how to open my locker. But, everything was fine. Typically, you'll have orientation and get your locker and schedule. Take advantage of this!! Find out where your classes are and efficient routes to each class. Open your locker a few times or until you get the hang of unlocking and locking it. By the first day, you will be able to open your locker. Write it on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket if you think you'll forget it. Teachers will also be very helpful the first few weeks when it comes to lockers and where to go.
If you are already in middle school, you know how it all works. After a week or two, everyone will have a settled routine. Here are some additional tips for everyone going into middle school (or high school):
- Be yourself. People don't like fakes. It's just another reason for drama. Minimizing your involvement in it will really help your reputation in school.
- Along with being yourself, don't dress to impress the first day. That totally might throw you off, but hear me out. If you are the "shorts and a t-shirt girl" (which is fine), don't wear a fancy dress and your hair curled the first day of school. Wear something you'd normally wear. I knew this girl that on the first day of 8th grade wore this really pretty red dress and these CUTE sandals. But, the rest of the year all she wore was jeans and V-neck tees. My main point (I think this goes for anyone in school) is be yourself when it comes to what you wear the first day.
- Join clubs! Clubs or special classes (like theater or art) will help you find where you fit in. It'll be easier to make friends if you find ones that have common interests as you.
- Get good grades. Some colleges look at your grades in middle school! Don't just think because it's easy work that you can blow it off! Try your hardest in school.
Disclaimer: Not sponsored in any way!
xoxo Kelsey
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